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Eriogonum umbellatum

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Direct Sow: in Fall, Early Winter
Surface Sow, Lightly Rake 
Indoors: Not Recommended
Germination: 7-14 days
Common Names:
Sulphur Buckwheat
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Full Sun
Height: 3"-3'
Width: 1'-3'
Drought Tolerant
USDA Zones:
Plant Type: Herbaceous Perennial
Bloom Time: Summer, Fall
Host Plant for:
Mormon Metalmark
(Apodemia mormo)
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Acmon Blue
(Icaricia acmon)
Acmon Blue Icaricia acmon.png
Acmon Blue Icaricia acmon.png
Acmon Blue Icaricia acmon.png
Dotted Blue
(Euphilotes enoptes)
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Blue Copper
(Lycaena heteronea)
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Western Square-dotted Blue
(Euphilotes battoides)
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Lupine Blue
(Plebejus lupini)
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Rocky Mountain Dotted-Blue
(Euphilotes ancilla)
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Melissa Blue
(Plebejus melissa)
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Glaucon Blue
(Euphilotes glaucon)
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Desert Green Hairstreak
(Callophrys sheridanii comstocki)
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Sheridan's Green Hairstreak
(Callophrys sheridanii
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